Monday, September 29, 2014

October 2014: 31 Days of Real Life

I am going to be spending the next 31 days (Starting October first) talking about real life.My focus is on what really happens, here in my home and heart. I am a working mama, things can get hectic around here especially when it seems busier than usual and there is mount washmore to try and scale. My goal is to encourage you in real life... I am figuring this out as I go, and will be tackling a variety of topics as I go through this month. Motherhood is new to me and I am just trying to enjoy one day at a time. I will using this particular post to hold all of my links for the next 31 days. My goal is to write every single day for 31 days! Thanks for joining me on this crazy ride.


Week 2

Week 3
Day 15

Week 4
Day 19

Week 5