Monday, December 1, 2014

Day 31: Closing Remarks

It is the first day of December and I think that this going to be as good as it gets for my 31 days of Real Life, but that is okay. I have learned a lot through this writing experience and I am glad that I chose to complete this project. Even if it did take me two months to complete it. Motherhood is hard, but reflecting on it helped me to see what i was doing right and what areas I still needed to learn from... motherhood is a process and as Little Man continues to get older I will need to continually adapt to do what is beast for our family!

Today is being spent at home, I am pushing through all of my laundry-- because I wanted to make sure that everyone else was ready for our three day work week and then our long weekend away from home. I have rounded up the majority of my clothes and have them all color sorted! The biggest challenge is always getting them put away. I have so many other things that I feel like I need to focus on that this is the least important.

If I can get through all of the laundry today it will make this week so much smoother and we will have less laundry that needs to be done next week. December is always a busy month for us with Christmas parties, the Doc's birthday, and other holiday happenings.

Life continues on, whether we are ready for it or not. Thank you for joining with me on this almost 31 day journey.

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