Saturday, May 31, 2008

I'm Back!

So I have been out of the blogging loop because right after graduation it became terribly busy and there wasn't a lot of time to get on here and blog... I am in Korea now.

This is a picture of my first breakfast in Korea.. There is my awesome Chocolate Chex (which are great with peanut butter), my tropicana grape juice and my itty bitty thing of milk :-)

Saturday, May 10, 2008


So today is the big day!!! Today is my commencement ceremony and it has been five years in the making-- it seems weird and exciting and sad all at the same time. I will miss college and all of the great friends that I have made as a result as we continue to scatter the world.

Today I need to finish packing up my room because my dad is going to be here with the trucks by 8:00 am and then my mom and I are heading to Chicago to go pick up my visa and do my visa interview and then we will be driving back Home and I will have approximately 24 hours to make sure that I have everything and will be leaving for Korea.

Currently I have 3 suitcases.... 2 of clothes and one suitcase of just shoes... Granted these suitcases are not going to stay this way, but I am a lady who loves her shoes :-)